The feeling that you do not deserve success or respect from your high-achieving peers is so common that it has a name -- imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is a really common feeling of incompetence, where we believe that we are not as capable as the people around us and don’t deserve the achievements or respect that we have. It often comes from the feeling that our “best-performing” self isn’t a part of who we truly are, and our “true identity” is not good enough to satisfy the expectations that are set for us. Most people who experience imposter syndrome attribute their achievements to luck or external factors beyond themselves.
Does this sound familiar? If it does, we assure you that it is totally normal to feel like an imposter sometimes. Anita and Lillian, the founders of Sustainable Success, have both personally experienced imposter syndrome: we sometimes feel that we are secretly undeserving of our leadership positions, incapable in our classes, and not talented enough during sporting events - even if we are. We would then feel the need to compensate for that guilt with extra hard work, leading to possible burn out. While this sentiment is very common, we want to encourage you to remind yourself that in most cases, your achievements and success are a result of your own hard work, talent, and dedication. Although you might have received help from outside factors, you should not discredit yourself entirely.
Here are a few points to consider if you are experiencing imposter syndrome:
How unfair is it that I compare my worst self to other people's best selves?
Why do I credit myself for my failures but discredit myself for my achievements?
How can I believe that my success is a product of luck if it is impossible for me to have been this luck for so long?
If I am not feeling like an imposter, I am probably too deep in my comfort zone.
If your feelings of imposter syndrome are persistently maladaptive, here are some thought provoking online video resources to consider:
How you can use impostor syndrome to your benefit | Mike Cannon-Brookes:
The Surprising Solution to the Imposter Syndrome | Lou Solomon | TEDxCharlotte:
Here is a summary of the survey we conducted at our international high school regarding students' experiences with imposter syndrome:

Anita and Lillian
The Sustainable Success Team