The expression of gratitude should not be saved for only Thanksgiving or Mothers’ Day, but should be done as a part of our daily or weekly routine. When we become stressed, it is easy to dismiss the blessings in our life. To avoid that, we are challenging you to share extra teaspoons of kindness today - even, and especially, if you are feeling down.

There have been many studies that have suggested that being actively grateful can increase our own happiness levels. This means, by being a kind person, you will not only make other people smile, but also improve your own mood. Here are some easy ways for you to express your gratitude, taken from this article published by Harvard Medical School:
1. Say “thank you”. The easiest way of expressing gratitude -- acknowledge the small kind words and things people say and do for you by sincerely saying “thank you”.
2. Write a thank-you note. Make yourself happier and nurture your relationship with another person by writing a thank-you letter expressing your appreciation for that person's impact on your life. Once in a while, write one to yourself.
3. Keep a gratitude journal. Make it a habit to write down or share with a loved one thoughts about the kindness and gifts you've received each day.
4. Count your blessings. Pick a time every week to sit down and write about your blessings — reflecting on what went right or what you are grateful for. Sometimes it helps to pick a number — such as three to five things — that you will identify each week. As you write, be specific and think about the sensations you felt when something good happened to you.
5. Meditate. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Although people often focus on a word or phrase (such as "peace"), it is also possible to focus on what you're grateful for (the warmth of the sun, a pleasant sound, etc.).
6. Pray. People who are religious can use prayer to cultivate gratitude.
Anita and Lillian
The Sustainable Success Team